Sunday, October 19, 2008

Repudiate, Repudiate, Repudiate!

How many times did that Monkey, McCain use that word in one sentence during his weak debate with Senator Obama the other night...four or five times?

Anyway, it's been a while since either one of of us posted an update...truth is, nothing really monumental has happened. And that's not necessarily a negative thing, though, getting a job would've been reason enough to post. But alas, I am still waiting in the stale wind of Eugene's negative job market turbine. Really folks, how many jobs must a person apply to before he/she elicits even the slightest response...40, 50 job applications?! I've lowered my standards greatly in search of this elusive jackal called "job", and the fact is, I think employers think I'm joking or something when they receive my resume. In all seriousness, I am willing to shovel shit, or pick up trash, and wear a monkey suit for some corporation (e.g. Starbucks, PetSmart) in exchange for a non-liveable wage. Perhaps it is a joke, perhaps I have deep-seeded desires to see how much diginity and pride I will swallow in order make a buck...ha, the almighty buck. Being over-qualified and non-employable is a real impetus, having a terminal illness.

In other news, we've begun going to Bikram's Yoga. Hot Yoga...105 degrees of hot, sweaty and slick yoga. I think we're hooked, but I also think we're being duped by the almight yogi.

The weather has taken the initial turn toward what is "regular fall weather" here in Eugene--damp, overcast, chilly, rainy. Kinda reminds us of New England, though we don't feel as at home here.

Mabel has eaten another one of her beds, which has left her with nothing to sleep on again. A gentleman we met the other day at Terwilliger Hot Springs mentioned that our little girl might have some anxiety around attachment. YOU THINK?! She cries like a sheep getting slaughtered anytime we leave, and she sticks to us like glue anytime she thinks we're about to go somewhere.

Time for yoga, more later...