Sunday, March 16, 2008

loose ends

It's like each fleck of snow frozen to the ground outside my door adheres to stacked days on a numbered calendar growing larger and seeming further and further away--June seems like an eternity from now.

Lindsay and I have begun the tedious process of trip preparation. You know, making lists of essentials we'll tote along indefinitably, tying up loose ends with our home so they don't break down on our tenants, and working vigilantly with our puppy, Mabel, to ensure she's ready to travel. The prospect of travelling, especially one that entails mutliple places over the course of a year is a funny one. It conjures up many emotions. Anxiety and excitement, stress and sadness all well up inside and make us pine for the familiar places we have yet to leave.

This is just an introductory post, but more will come as the day of departure approaches.

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