Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day

Let's start off with a fun fact about today: Pilots around the world know the distress call "May day! May day!" But what they may not know is its derivative. French pilots were the first to use this call. They would say: "M'aides! M'aides!", which translates into "Help me! Help me!" in English.

It's been a while since our last fact, it's been almost a month. Our house's innards are getting packed up into boxes, the snow has melted and our flowers are blooming, and Mabel is beginning to realize something is afoot. Lindsay has begun to narrow down where she wants to be for her next assignment, and I was down in Kentucky for a week of climbing with a few dear friends.

Lindsay's job has been rather nutso (can somebody say Compton in Portland, Maine?!) and her job hunt is getting a little batty. The job she really wanted in Bend, Oregon has been filled, so she didn't get that, but 4 other hopeful placements have crested the horizon: Bellingham, Washington; 2 in Seattle, and another in Portland, Oregon. We're keeping our fingers crossed that at least one of these pans out. More later.

The trip to Kentucky was pretty fun, and many awesome things happened, but it was punctuated by the following key events: Getting hit by a drunk driver then initiating a citizens arrest after cutting the girl off before a toll booth outside of D.C., a bluegrass band urging the audience to purchase their CD so they could buy cigarettes for their keeedz, Sarah running a route out 30 feet to the anchors, something exploding, and a truck in the parking lot having its tires stolen.

Saturday is Green-Up Day here in Vermont, so get your green bags and go pick up some trash!


SACS said...

might consider skipping Bellingham or keeping quiet when you are there. Elaine is there and is in a wee bit of trouble. NO drama! be good xoox Ryane

Jacqui said...

Het-this is a great for Miss Mabel..the german rebel...let her be..she is still a pup and has many more "Castles" to build and a**es to bite...within reason of course..miss you guys and love you safe love Jake